Thursday, May 9, 2013

Club News 5: Birthdays

Happy Birthday to the following Agonites!

G-MAN.  May 5 (belated!)  Hey did you know May 5 is “Boy’s Day” in Japan?  G-Man is the manly man.  (make sure you read that in Governator’s voice)

Montgana.  May 17.  Don’t party too hard before BK Half, dude.  BK Half = May 18

Kathy (aka Zena as opposed to Xena).  May 28.  Is this the year she finally makes it into the 25-30 age group?

Colonel Kern.  May 30.  When you Google image search the Colonel, for some reason Robert De Niro’s pictures shows up.  Strange!  Only this one looks legit.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we have a writer's block. 
So we'll just leave this for everyone's entertainment.